Saturday, September 1, 2012

Labor Day Read-A-Thon Update #1

Letters Inside Out button

So this is my first update for my Read-A-Thon. I'm usually bad at doing update. LOL I plan on keep up with this one. I managed to read one book last night....well I finished it at 1 this morning. I could not stop reading it. :D So I plan to read four books and I've read one so far and plam to start another one tonight. So the book that I finished reading this morning was.....

This was a five star book and I plan to have a review soon...hopefully. My days are crazy right now. If you missed my first post you can go HERE. Are you participating in a read-a-thon? I'd love to see what progress you made.


  1. Four books in four days, that's a great goal. I didn't do any reading yesterday, but I just finished book 2 and am starting book three as soon as I stop by all these lovely participating blogs.

    Good luck on reaching your goals!

    1. WOW!!! You are on a role. LOL You are definitely going to finish your goal. Good Luck!!!!!


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