Persephone Fury is the Dark daughter, the one they hide.
England, 1811. Few are aware of a hidden magical England, a people not ruled by poor mad George, but the dying King Pellinore of the House of Pendragon.
The Furys are known for their music, their magic, and their historic role as kingmakers. When Fury ambitions demand a political marriage, Persephone is drugged and presented to Society--
Only to be abducted from the man she loves by the man she loathes.
But devious and ruthless, Persephone must defy ancient prophecy, embrace her Dark magic, and seize her own fate.
Be swept away into the first book of a dark fantasy series combining swashbuckling adventure, heart-pounding romance, and plot-twisting suspense.
This Crumbling Pageant definitely forces you to take notice of its originality. I find that high fantasy, while sometimes a bit of a trial to follow, always has something new to offer me. Each author brings something new to the table to create a book that will be vivid and singular in your mind. This author certainly achieved that.
I have always had a fascination with villains (you say antagonist. They will always be villains to me) and what goes on in their heads. I had not yet read a villain that the author focused on and helped me understand more than Vespasian. I loved delving into the other character’s heads and seeing everything from their points of view. Allow me to explain why I love this so much. If you have watched or Read Game of Thrones, you get a window into all the different kingdom’s worlds and see that they all believe they are doing the honorable thing on their side. Ugh. I am explaining this horribly. The characters in This Crumbling pageant are three- dimensional. They are complex characters who are all equal in the story and actually have their own stories. This makes it very hard to truly hate any one character too much, even the villains, who we are normally engineered to hate and fear. (Another Example: If you watch Once Upon a Time, you know that it is hard to hate Rumpelstiltskin since you know his background and you are allowed to see him at his most vulnerable.) That is what it is like with the “villain” in this book. I know this paragraph is crazy confusing, but I just wanted to point out that I found that interesting. (:
[Sometimes, the Points of View switching overwhelmed me and I had to make sense of the changes, however. ]
I loved the different aspects that were thrown together to creative the truly unique world in which the book takes place. I will not even try to list the aspects and genres that cross over in this book. It was very dynamic and really stuck with me. I thought that the basic idea of the book (Magic. Jealousy. Kidnapping!) was awesome and I loved all the adventure and intrigue that the author was able to fit into the book. Speaking of the intrigue, I really liked the little plot surprises that were thrown in. And who doesn’t love Political mystery thrown in with their high fantasy. Ugh. This book just had so much stuff in it. O.O (I also loved the way music is incorporated into the story as well. A very creative addition.)
I thought that Persephone was a very individual character. I really enjoyed her interactions with her loving family. She had to overcome so much, but also got to experience some moments of joy. (hehe.) She had some moments where she needed a throat punch (as did other characters) but I enjoyed her and her journey overall. (: Can’t wait to see what happens next.
About the Author:
Award-winning screenwriter and best selling novelist Patricia Burroughs loves dogs, books, movies, and football. A lifelong Anglophile, she treasures her frequent travels in the British Isles researching The Fury Triad, the epic fantasy that has taken over her life and heart. She and her high school sweetheart husband are living happily ever after in their hometown of Dallas, Texas.
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