San Francisco after dark can be full of unusual sights, but the last thing Ana Khoury expects to stumble across is black-garbed figures carrying a body into a building. Her call to 911 is interrupted by a blow to the head, plunging her into nothingness.Sabel Young has long been attracted to the gentle and alluring Ana, but her esoteric assignments have left her with few options for romance. When she realizes that Ana has been taken—and by whom—her very private life and Ana’s normal world collide. Her orders were specific: she is not supposed to get involved with demons.Even if Sabel’s interest in Ana weren’t already personal, there is no way she will leave a woman with no magic in the hands of dark powers. With daring and luck she pulls Ana to safety and at first it appears they have escaped dark magic unscathed. At first…
As a long- time reader and lover of paranormal romances, this book was very easy to enjoy. It had everything I love as a reader- a strong heroine (2 actually!), character growth, suspense, murder, scary villains, entertaining dialogue and action! :D It was my kind of story.
The author wastes no time plunging right into the story and there is action within the first few pages. From that point on- I was steadily drawn in.
The main characters- Ana and Sabel were endearing in their own ways and I loved watching them grow and watching their relationship develop throughout the book. There were some dark elements to one of the characters, too, and I felt for her while learning about her dark past. ): It gave the character more depth. And me a little pain in my heart. . .
I immensely enjoyed the paranormal aspects of the novels. I liked the creative take on an old theme. I do not want to spoil the book for anyone, so I will just say that I did not see it coming. (: Well done.
I also enjoyed the tension between the demons and witches. Who knew paranormal factions could be so hateful towards each other. Nice touch.
I would recommend to lovers of paranormal romances and mysteries. In the spirit of full disclosure, I will warn you however that the two main characters are female. In case you did not garner that little bit of knowledge from the blurb. (: Just in case you are offended, I wanted to make sure you were aware. This was actually my first novel of this genre and I loved it. You might like it, too. Trying new things totally paid off! Woo! I mean, I realized it was LGBTQ after I had signed up. Then I thought about it and was like. I don't see the problem. I mean it is still a thoughtful Paranormal Romance novel.
I was confused at some points, however. Why do the witches hate the demons so much? I get that they don't like each other because, well, they ar different and operate on different levels of the paranormal. The tension was.but they really hated each other. I mean, I took it as one of those things that just are but a little more background there would have been nice. (:
Hi Ryan, I'm glad you enjoyed the book and particularly some of the deeper aspects of it. There's a sequel in the works and I'll be addressing the long-standing and tormented history of the witches/demons conflict in it.
ReplyDeleteYes, it messed me up a little, but it was awesome! ^-^
Delete:D Sequel? I'm down. I would love to read more about the origins of the feud!