Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cover Characteristic - Dragons

This is a new Meme hosted by Sugar & Snark

 Each week we will post 5 different covers that have the same theme/characteristic. 

 This weeks theme is Dragons!!! WOOHOO

 5. Slayers by C.J. Hill
4. Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

 3. Scorched by Mari Mancusi
2. Between by Kerry Schafer


 1. Eona by Alison Goodman

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  1. Hi! Thanks for dropping at LTB! I love love love love the cover of Scorched!!!

    Regarding my picks, I actually don't have any on my TBR, but scoured through GR. But now, I see a lot of good ratings on these type of fiction that I'm adding several on my TBR. And I agree with you, I am totally into the Shadows of the Realm, it captured the dragon immensely, but Heartless won over it in the end.

  2. LOL! Eona is a beautiful cover, isn't it? I haven't actually read it, but your comment made me really excited to! I think Scorched is pretty amazing too. I like it a lot! Thanks for visiting my CC, Tiffany!

  3. I love your picks, I haven't seen the cover for Slayers before, but it's amazing. And I can't believe I didn't think about Scorched for my list.. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my CC! :)

  4. Oooh the cover of Between looks cool! Will check it out on goodreads!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark


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