Read along with us on the EXCERPT TOUR for
the third book in the YA/NA Urban Fantasy Descendants Series:
Reign of Shadows
By Melissa Wright
By Melissa Wright
(Descendants #3)
By Melissa Wright
Brianna can see her future, but it’s the past that haunts her. Plans laid in place centuries ago are threatening not only her and her sister, but all of the Seven Lines. As the shadows plot their way to old rule, the visions shift again. Her power has led to some hard choices—and the occasional stab wound—but this set of futures holds nothing but darkness.
Unable to bear the idea of losing the footing they've so recently gained, she turns the soldiers of the Seven. But with shadows hidden among the ranks, can she overcome the path they've set in place, or is she blindly following their lead?
Smashwords - iTunes
Chapter Four Cont’d
His hand rested on her hip a moment too long before
gripping it tight, tossing her forward and then wrenching her head around to
face them. Her hair was laced into his fingers as he jerked her again. “Tell
him, Ellin. Tell him to give us the girl.”
Brendan was strapped to a chair, the right side of his
body limp, as if his arm was disconnected, dragged out of socket. Splotches of
blood covered what was left of his undershirt, some of it clotted, but most
bright, wet as it seeped through from the wounds beneath. The material of his
pants was ripped, revealing gashes and burns, and the fingers of his left hand
were broken, dangling loose below the bonds of his
His head hung, but he looked at Ellin from beneath his
brow, swollen and bruised, cut and bleeding. She could still see the unhealed
scars from the day he’d released Morgan. The day he’d tried to save their
prophet. He wouldn’t give her now, not any single bit of information that would
help them. He would never turn on Brianna.
Her jaw tightened as their gaze connected. These men
would die for what they’d done.
A man beside Brendan grabbed his head, jerking it up to
face Ellin, to make her watch as they played out the next cruelty. But
everything stopped when the slam of a heavy metal door echoed through the space.
Ellin shivered, despite her resolve, and they were joined by a new group, five
men surrounding the one that led them all. Jackson, they’d called him, though
she had no idea whether it was his first name or last. She’d not seen this man,
any of these men, before the attack on Westlake. She didn’t know why they were
targeting Brendan, why they hadn’t bothered with Morgan or Aern; she only knew
they wanted information on the prophet. On Brianna. And that there was something
powerful about them. Something wrong.
The one they called Jackson stood beside Brendan’s chair,
the soles of his leather shoes splashing into a pool of water as they came to
rest. He was tall and lean with perfect hair and dark eyes. His manner was cool,
always calm. Ellin might have thought him attractive if she didn’t want to kill
him so badly. He unbuttoned the crisp suit jacket with one hand, smoothly
pulling it away to roll up his sleeves. The motions were practiced; everything
she’d seen him do quick and clean. She wanted to close her eyes when he reached
for Brendan, wanted to not see what he was about to do, but she couldn’t. She
had to watch.
Jackson smiled at her, a slow, sexy smirk that said he enjoyed
his job, that said he relished her pain, but still, she didn’t look away. His
hand met Brendan’s chest and the air changed around them. It had been almost
imperceptible the first few times, but Ellin was paying attention now, trying to
take in all that she could. It was charged with something, some current just
below the surface, and then it was gone, all of it focused on the connection
between Brendan and his captor.
(Descendants #2)
by Melissa Wright
There is a teaser posted here and the first chapter posted here, but beware, it's full of spoilers from the first book.
Purchase from Amazon , Barnes and Noble, and the Book Depository. Can also purchase in audio at iTunes and Audible.

Melissa Wright is the author of the Frey Saga and the new Descendants series. Melissa spends her time working on novels, but when not writing she can be found on Goodreads and Pinterest.
Tour-Wide Giveaway
Grand Prize: $15 Amazon Gift Card and ebook copies of all three Descendants' books
3 - ebook copies Shifting Fate or Reign of Shadows (winner's choice)
Open internationally
Ends August 7th
Ends August 7th
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Read along with us!
23 - Launch
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
My Life, Loves and Passion
Kelly P's Blog
Musings of Immortals
Book n Blog
Christy's Cozy Corners
Mythical Books
Book-Marks the Spot
Simplistic Reviews
Wishful Endings
Nocturnal Predators Reviews
Katie's Clean Book Collection
My Devotional Thoughts
The Wonderings of One Person
The Written Adventure
Dalene's Book Reviews
Deal Sharing Aunt
The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
23 - Launch
Letters from Annie (Douglass) Lima
My Life, Loves and Passion
Kelly P's Blog
Musings of Immortals
Book n Blog
Christy's Cozy Corners
Mythical Books
Book-Marks the Spot
Simplistic Reviews
Wishful Endings
Nocturnal Predators Reviews
Katie's Clean Book Collection
My Devotional Thoughts
The Wonderings of One Person
The Written Adventure
Dalene's Book Reviews
Deal Sharing Aunt
The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club
30 - Release-Day Blitz
I'm not sure. I kind of would want to be prepared. My husband died in Nov. I wish I had known it was coming. I think I would have been more appreciative of him.